Restriction Enzyme Reference
Use this application to search Type IIs restriction enzymes by name, recognition sequence, and overhand. The data is
collected from REBase (Nucl.Acids Res. 2007, 35:269-270) and New England BioLabs (NEB,, which covers
all commercially available Type IIs restriction enzymes with extensive enzyme properties tested by NEB.
- Search by enzyme name, recognition sequence, or overhand (sticky end).
- Screen through most common Type IIs restriction enzymes with initial index.
- Cut site with color-labeled double strain DNA sequences with cut position and two sub-sequences to be separated.
Enzyme Properties include:
- Enzyme name
- Cut site with color-labeled double strain DNA sequences with cut position and two sub-sequences to be separated
- Recognition sequence
- Overhang
- Isoschizomers which share the same recognition sequences
- Methylation sensitivity in recognition sequence and their cleavage effects
- Buffer and percentage activity of enzymes in different buffers
- Diluent buffers
- Is time-saver digestion which specify if enzyme is powerful enough to digest in 5 minutes and pure enough for overnight incubation
- Incubation temperature for digestion and heat inactivation, and incubation time.
- Is recombinant enzyme and original microoganism source
- Suppliers
- Reference